The 1920´s


Mind Map on The 1920´s, created by Franco Ferrari on 21/11/2019.
Franco Ferrari
Mind Map by Franco Ferrari, updated more than 1 year ago
Franco Ferrari
Created by Franco Ferrari over 4 years ago

Resource summary

The 1920´s
  1. The Boom
    1. Economical Growth
      1. CAUSES
        1. Industrial Strength
          1. Steel, Chemical, Coal, Oil and Textile industries boomed
            1. Lots of resources, didn´t have to export raw materials
              1. New Technologies as cars and lights
                1. Agriculture boomed too much
                2. First World War
                  1. Provided food, arms and supplies to the allies
                    1. Europeans were fighting, the Us could take over the world trade
                      1. Republican Policies
                        1. Laissez-Faire
                          1. Protective Tariffs
                            1. Low Taxation
                              1. Powerful trusts
                              2. New Industries
                                1. Production lines allowded the production of cheapier products in less time
                                  1. Ford became popular making cars
                                    1. State of mind
                                      1. The objective in life was to have a nice house, a good job and be proud of it
                                2. Prolems
                                  1. In Farming
                                    1. Declining Exports
                                      1. New Competitors
                                        1. Overproduction
                                          1. Falling Prices
                                            1. In traditional Industries
                                              1. Small companies were overshadowed by those really enjoying the Boom
                                                1. Disemployment
                                              2. The Roaring Twenties
                                                1. It was an age of prosperity were most things seemed to be happy. Entertainment had boomed, and now people had more money and time to spare
                                                  1. Radio
                                                    1. Jazz
                                                      1. Charleston
                                                        1. Flappers
                                                          1. African American´s Poularity
                                                          2. Sport
                                                            1. Baseball
                                                              1. Boxing
                                                                1. Big Money sources
                                                                1. Cinema
                                                                  1. Emerged in Los Angeles
                                                                    1. Almost anyone could go since tickets were very cheap
                                                                      1. Became really popular, it became a sourt of addiction among youngers
                                                                        1. It became the most common way of entertainment
                                                                        2. Women
                                                                          1. After the First World War, women got the access to more wrights, one of them was the wright to vote
                                                                            1. They were more common as a industrial worker since they got experience during WW1
                                                                              1. New machinery that helped on the house work remplaced many of their duties. As a result, they had more time to spare
                                                                                1. Women had a change in many attitudes influenced by movies and music like Jazz
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