Which is better: Soap or hand sanitizer?


Mind Map on Which is better: Soap or hand sanitizer?, created by JUAN FELIPE RODRíGUEZ VIZCAINO on 28/05/2020.
Mind Map by JUAN FELIPE RODRíGUEZ VIZCAINO, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by JUAN FELIPE RODRíGUEZ VIZCAINO over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Which is better: Soap or hand sanitizer?
  1. Soap and Water
    1. Its the best COVID-19 killer
      1. A single drop of any brand of soap contains quadrillions of molecules called amphiphiles wich resembel biological lipids. Their tails, which are similarly repulsed by water compete for space with the lipids that make up the virus shell, but thy are different enough to break up the regularity of the virus membrane, making the whole thing come crashing down. Then they form a bubbles of their own around particles, including the virus´s RNA and proteins. And if you apply water to your hands after that, the bubble will wash away
      2. Hand Sanitizers
        1. The best Rhinovirus killer
          1. Hand sanitizers work less like a crowbar and more like an earthquake, it is like when you remove all the nails and mortar from a house and then hitting it with an earthquake. Hand sanitizer is more convenient to use on the go, but it is preferably to wash your hand with soap and water in this COVID-19 times.
          2. By: Juan Felipe Rodríguez, Simon Cabas and Jeronimo Gonzalez
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