Verb Tenses


verb tenses
Amanda Santana
Mind Map by Amanda Santana, updated more than 1 year ago
Amanda Santana
Created by Amanda Santana over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Verb Tenses
    1. law of nature or general truth
      1. permanent situation or state
        1. habitual action or state
          1. to quote
            1. exclamatory sentenses
              1. to narrate a story (more dramatic)
              2. PRESENT CONTINUOUS
                1. to talk about an action or situation in progress now or around now
                  1. to talk about changes happening around now
                  2. PRESENT PERFECT
                    1. to talk about an which happened at an indefinite time in the past
                      1. to talk about an action or state which began in the past and continues up to and into present
                        1. with expresssions "it's the first time", etc.
                          1. with time expressions when these periods are not finished
                            1. news
                            2. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS
                              1. duration of an activity whih began in the past and continues up to the present
                                1. activity habitually repeated from a time in the past up to now
                                  1. an action which began in the past and recently stopped or just stopped.
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