thoughtful teaching and its impact on the foreign language teacher


trabajo sobre quezada 2005
carlos dario granada ramirez
Mind Map by carlos dario granada ramirez , updated more than 1 year ago
carlos dario granada ramirez
Created by carlos dario granada ramirez about 4 years ago

Resource summary

thoughtful teaching and its impact on the foreign language teacher
  1. Strategies aimed at meeting the objectives.
    1. Teaching:
      1. Used by the agent teaching for promote and facilitate meaningful learning students.
        1. New role of IES.
          1. Attributes of learning environments.
      2. Learning:
        1. Used by the student to recognize, learn and apply the information and Content
          1. situations of uncertainty Real
            1. Didactic strategies are design based on experiences
              1. Actively involve the Student
              2. Integration of knowledge from various disciplines to solve problems or make a decision that meets the demands of knowledge society.
        2. Skills to teach
          1. Construir y animar situaciones didacticas.
            1. Organizar y animar situaciones de aprendizaje
              1. Gestionar la progresion de los aprendizajes
                1. Utilizar las nuevas tecnologias
            2. Observe and evaluate according to a formative approach
              1. Desarrollar, compartir y practicar el apoyo integrado.
                1. Elaborar y hacer evolucionar dispositivos de diferenciacion.
                  1. Afrontar los deberes y dilemas eticos de la profesion
            3. Transformations arising in the apprentices and in the teacher himself, from the actions of teaching on the part of the teacher, and of learning from students, and are valued by teachers, students, parents and managers
              1. It corresponds to the recognition of learning achievements
                1. The teacher validates the results of his teaching practice
                  1. The teacher's forecasts for his expectation conceptions, the mechanisms of interaction that operate in the class and are influenced by nature itself group and for the individual characteristics of the students.
                    1. The professor puts in operation his reference frameworks to exercise his teaching practice, their theorias are put at stake
                      1. Constituted by the realization, objectifying of the didactic situation.
                  2. That and how to learn with theory and practice.
                    1. Basic Cognitive Skills
                      1. It focuses on the content of the subject, neglecting teaching, skills and abilities cognitive, which are indispensable for learning.
                        1. They are integrated into plans and 19-study programs such as: Reasoning capacity, ability to self-learning, autonomo thinking, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity Etc.
                      2. Learning to think: A basic need for learning
                        1. A new approach to education was adopted in 1917, where there was a specific change linked to the need to gain better knowledge, about ability to think and how to improve it, to be able to identify the distinction of maintenance learning.
                          1. Based on the acquisition of perspectives, methods and fixed rules. Intended for known situations and solve existing problems, maintain a system or method of life.
                        2. Troubleshooting
                          1. It is not at all limited to subjects, let alone school knowledge, but to the very lives of students
                            1. It goes beyond the simple answer to problems, otherwise it's about being able to have the ability to formulate, identify, analyze, solve them and reflect on their solutions
                          2. Creativity
                            1. A set of capabilities and provisions that make a often produce creative products. It is manifest in different ambitos such as: art, literature, science Etc. Creativity is classified into four components.
                              1. Capabilities. Fluidity( it's about producing a lot of appropriate ideas quickly and easily.
                                1. Cognitive styles: it is based on habits of information procedures
                                  1. Attitudes: originility, predisposition to the created.
                                    1. Strategies: analogy, ability not to see similarities for ourselves.
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