Colombian Education


La educación en Colombia y la enseñanza del idioma ingles como lengua extranjera
yulieth gomez soto
Mind Map by yulieth gomez soto, updated more than 1 year ago
yulieth gomez soto
Created by yulieth gomez soto over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Colombian Education
  1. School dropout
    1. Some reasons are:
      1. Economical
        1. Financial help from the family
          1. The government holds events where children help and therefore give them school supplies
          2. Familiar
            1. Motivation with love and rules
              1. Communication of parents and children.
              2. Dislike for studying
                1. Show the expectation to the people of the future if you study: travel, better jobs and social position.
            2. Colombia speaks English to achieve global communication
              1. English as the main tool for international communications
                1. Generate greater impact on students, motivating them with trips and dreams to fulfill
                  1. Some cities or places feel the need to learn the language either for tourism or others, and they do it quickly.
                    1. All countries are learning English as a second language since it is worldwide
                    2. Does foreign language education promote bilingualism?
                      1. Learning a foreign language is promoting bilingualism.
                        1. Bilingual people have more knowledge and opportunities to be more competitive.
                          1. Countries require schools to be taught a foreign language
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