Benjamin Franklin International School


Jennifer Argueta
Mind Map by Jennifer Argueta, updated more than 1 year ago
Jennifer Argueta
Created by Jennifer Argueta almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Benjamin Franklin International School
  1. Subdirectora
    1. Morgan Logan
    2. Director
      1. Rony Helftman
      2. Junta Directiva
        1. Coordinadora Académica
          1. Judith López
            1. Personal Académico
              1. Docentes
                1. Skinner Smantha
                  1. Snea Leva White
                    1. Pamela Ritz
                    2. Boets Scott
                      1. Charlie Swan Bram
                    3. Comité Escolar
                      1. Mario Rivas
                        1. Estephano Véliz
                          1. Sandra Contreras
                            1. Limpieza y orden
                            2. Policía de garita
                            3. Portero
                            4. Junta de Padres de familia
                              1. Luigi Anleú
                                1. Mario Mendoza
                                  1. Nathalie Herrera
                                    1. Hugo Hillerman
                              2. Alumnos de la Junta Directiva
                                1. John M.
                                  1. Lilian C.
                                    1. Saudy R.
                                      1. Jennifer A.
                                        1. Shannon G
                                        2. César G.
                                        3. Shardy C.
                                        4. Chirss S.
                                      2. Personal Adminitrativo
                                        1. Auxiliar
                                          1. Yu Lee
                                          2. Secretaria General
                                            1. Christal Smith
                                            2. Secretaria Administrativa
                                              1. Jamie Burbough
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                                Silas Marner notes
                                A2 Geography- Energy Security
                                C2 - Formulae to learn
                                Tech Wilkinson
                                OCR Gateway Biology Flash Cards
                                Sam Newey
                                Sociological Research Methods
                                Physics: section 7 - radioactivity and particles
                                James Howlett
                                Ancient China - Glossary of Terms
                                Ms M
                                4. Without application in the world, the value of knowledge is greatly diminished. Consider the claim with respect to two areas of knowledge.
                                TOK mindmap “Without application in the world, the value of knowledge is greatly diminished.”
                                Gabriela Serpa
                                Biology: Reproduction Flash Cards.