Benjamin Franklin International School


Jennifer Argueta
Mind Map by Jennifer Argueta, updated more than 1 year ago
Jennifer Argueta
Created by Jennifer Argueta over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Benjamin Franklin International School
  1. Subdirectora
    1. Morgan Logan
    2. Director
      1. Rony Helftman
      2. Junta Directiva
        1. Coordinadora Académica
          1. Judith López
            1. Personal Académico
              1. Docentes
                1. Skinner Smantha
                  1. Snea Leva White
                    1. Pamela Ritz
                    2. Boets Scott
                      1. Charlie Swan Bram
                    3. Comité Escolar
                      1. Mario Rivas
                        1. Estephano Véliz
                          1. Sandra Contreras
                            1. Limpieza y orden
                            2. Policía de garita
                            3. Portero
                            4. Junta de Padres de familia
                              1. Luigi Anleú
                                1. Mario Mendoza
                                  1. Nathalie Herrera
                                    1. Hugo Hillerman
                              2. Alumnos de la Junta Directiva
                                1. John M.
                                  1. Lilian C.
                                    1. Saudy R.
                                      1. Jennifer A.
                                        1. Shannon G
                                        2. César G.
                                        3. Shardy C.
                                        4. Chirss S.
                                      2. Personal Adminitrativo
                                        1. Auxiliar
                                          1. Yu Lee
                                          2. Secretaria General
                                            1. Christal Smith
                                            2. Secretaria Administrativa
                                              1. Jamie Burbough
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                                Romeo and juliet
                                Patrick N
                                Market failure and government intervention - Definitions
                                Geography - Unit 1A
                                Application of technology in learning
                                Jeff Wall
                                AS Pure Core 1 Maths (AQA)
                                Of Mice and Men
                                GCSE Biology, Module B4
                                P4: Explaining motion
                                Spanish Subjunctive
                                2PR101 1. test - 5. část
                                Nikola Truong
                                3MA114 Management_test 2/2
                                Jakub Beyr