Describing Problems


Solving Problems
Abraham Ortiz
Mind Map by Abraham Ortiz, updated more than 1 year ago
Abraham Ortiz
Created by Abraham Ortiz over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Describing Problems
  1. rip - rasgadura ripped - rasgado
    1. dent - abolladura dented - abolladura
      1. tear - rasgón torn - rasgado
        1. chip - despostilladura chipped - despostillado
          1. stain - mancha stained - manchado
            1. damage - daño damaged - dañado
              1. leak - gotear leaked - goteado
                1. crack - grieta cracked - agrietado
                  1. scratch - rayadura scratched - rayado
                    1. loose - suelto loosed - suelto
                      1. dirty - sucio dirty - ensuciado
                        1. take off - despegar taken off despegado
                          1. jam - atasco jammed - atascado
                            1. heat - calor heated - calentado
                              1. burn - quemadura burned - quemado
                                1. disassemble - desamble disassembled - desamblado
                                  1. decompose - descomponer decomposed - descompuesto
                                    1. bending - dobladura bent - doblado
                                      1. crush - aplastadura crushed - aplastado
                                        1. lock - bloquear locked - bloqueado
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