Case Study: Spare parts for Human Bodies CH4


May 3rd 2020
Andre Yatmian Jo Mai
Mind Map by Andre Yatmian Jo Mai, updated more than 1 year ago
Andre Yatmian Jo Mai
Created by Andre Yatmian Jo Mai about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Case Study: Spare parts for Human Bodies CH4
  1. Zachary Jenkins
    1. Mother
      1. Jennifer Jenkins
      2. 10-month-old-baby
        1. Burned by boiling oil from a deep-fat fryer
          1. Saved by the bioengineering marvel of artificial skin
          2. 911 operator said to get his clothes off
            1. Most of his clothes had melted onto him
              1. When she removed the socks, Zachary's skin came right with um
          3. Different methods to grow cells
            1. Bioengineering skin
              1. has change the prognosis for burn victims
                1. Uses skin cells from foreskins of infants who were circumcised at birth
                  1. This cells will provide a source of rapidly driving cells
                    1. Skin from pigs
                      1. At best this tissues serve as temporary biological bandages
                        1. Extensive and disguting scars are common legacy
                          1. The skin will reject leaving disgunting scars
                      2. Skin from cadavers
                    2. Grafting skin
                      1. Treat deep burns
                        1. Created a new painful wound whe the skin from the graph is removed
                          1. For burns covering a large part of the body, lack of healthy skin which makes it impossible.
                        2. Skin
                          1. Consist of several specialized cell types with complex interactions
                            1. The outer cells of skin are masters of multiplication allowing skin burns to heal.
                              1. Healing will take longer when the deeper layers of the skin are damaged
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