SAB7#62_Optimization Resources


Mind Map on SAB7#62_Optimization Resources, created by anahi2306 on 12/08/2015.
Mind Map by anahi2306, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by anahi2306 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

SAB7#62_Optimization Resources
  1. Resource Leveling
    1. Leveling lengthnes the schedule and increases cost in order to deal with a limited amount of resources, resource availability and other resources constraints.
      1. Allows to level the peaks and valleys of the schedule.
        1. Balanced resources according to availability. Usually increase the critical path
        2. Resource Smoothing
          1. The resources are leveled only within the limits of the float of their activities, so the completion dates of activities are not delayed.
            1. It doesn't change the critical path
              1. It doesn't have resources optimization
              2. Find ways to adjust the use of resources
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