company structure


super accecible
Dante Fritz
Mind Map by Dante Fritz, updated more than 1 year ago
Dante Fritz
Created by Dante Fritz almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

company structure
  1. The Chain Of Command
    1. hierarchical or pyramidal strcture
      1. No lower levels decision making
        1. know who their bosses and subordinates are
        2. Functional Structure
          1. Small organization departments
            1. production
              1. finance
                1. marketing
                  1. sales
                    1. human resources
                    2. Complicated
                      1. Large organization separate divided
                      2. Flattening Hierarchies
                        1. Reduce chain of command
                          1. Lower levels no decisions
                            1. Advanced IT Systems
                              1. Small firms
                                1. Larger businesses
                                2. Matrix Management
                                  1. people report to more than one superior
                                    1. complex
                                    2. Teams
                                      1. Temporary autonomous groups
                                        1. requiere a strong leader
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                                        Calidad, Evolución y Administración de la Calidad Total.
                                        Sindy Requena
                                        Equipos de trabajo
                                        Jaime Raúl R Z
                                        Actores principales del sector agrario
                                        Jaz Garavano Palomeque
                                        FUNDAMENTOS BÁSICOS DE CALIDAD
                                        Marisol Monroy
                                        CALIDAD TOTAL EN LAS EMPRESAS MODERNAS
                                        JORGE SANTOS
                                        siete saberes
                                        alejandra valiente
                                        Administracion y Organizaciones
                                        Luis R
                                        EL TELETRABAJO
                                        Andrea Cespedes
                                        Vocabulario Parte 5 de 5 para 4º ESO
                                        Alejo M.A.F