Los métodos muy diversos, las soluciones provienen de la experiencia y del conocimiento de los expertos, la retroalimentación, es posible que los participantes puedan reflexionar y tener una mayor comprensión basada en diferentes perspectivas, que pueden ser necesarias para generar significados y acuerdos en situaciones en las que se requiere un análisis comparativo
Very diverse methods, solutions come from the experience and knowledge of
experts, feedback, it is possible that the participants can reflect and have a
greater understanding based on different perspectives, which may be
necessary to generate meanings and agreements in situations in which require
a comparative analysis
Steps to carry out the Delphi method
You must define the theme
You prepare the questionnaire
Define the panel of experts or identify the experts
Define the goal of the method
Make the first series or round of questions
A second round of questions
Apply the questions of the third round
Act on your conclusions
Offers varied analysis and information on complex topics
Highly objective thinking is formed
The consensus achieved has a high degree of reliability
Expert-based decisions are likely to be efficient
Finally, it allows finding the formation of a criterion with a high level of objectivity
It is a long and heavy process, since it is required to review twice to obtain the desired result.
It is considered an expensive method since the intervention of experts and other materials are needed
Requires availability of experts and communication channels to ensure the flow of information
The questionnaire is vital for the success in the application of the method