
Inteligencias múltiples de Howard Gardner
wendy  rodríguez
Mind Map by wendy rodríguez, updated more than 1 year ago
wendy  rodríguez
Created by wendy rodríguez over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. According to Gardner "human life requires the development of different kind of intelligences"
      1. Music performance and composition
        1. To identify musical notes in a isolated and simultaneous way
          1. To interpret melodies correctly without using scores
            1. To name the color melodies or ambient sounds from the environment
              1. To express feelings through the body
                1. To use in a rational way the physical capacities
                  1. To use tools in the correct way
                    1. To create new products
                      1. Logic reasoning
                        1. Mathematical problems solving
                          1. To think in a logic way
                            1. To make predictions
                              1. To establish causality connections
                                1. Faculty in order to adapt to the environment
                                  1. To interact with others
                                    1. Power in order to establish moods and mental of other people
                                      1. To interpret expressions, movements and behaviors
                                        1. Imaginary display from different angles
                                          1. Solving real or imaginary spatial problems
                                            1. Creation of plans and structures
                                              1. Imagination of three-dimensional spaces in coherence con along of the time
                                                1. To be able in order to access to the own feelings and emotions and think about it
                                                  1. To knowing yourself achieving to access to the psyche
                                                    1. To know some intrior aspects of the own mind
                                                      1. To comunicate through the language
                                                        1. To express in a verbal way
                                                          1. To link words in order to express ideas
                                                            1. Correct use of grammar
                                                          2. How can be these intelligences improved?
                                                            1. Logical-mathematical intelligence
                                                              1. To do mental arithmetic
                                                                1. To talk and discuss with arguments
                                                                2. Linguistic intelligence
                                                                  1. To write personal papers
                                                                    1. To write essays about interesting topics
                                                                      1. To read about different types of texts
                                                                      2. Spatial intelligence
                                                                        1. To cut wooden figures
                                                                          1. Planificar la ubicación de figuras sobre dibujos
                                                                            1. Videogames that imply spatial challenges
                                                                              1. To practice games like tangrams and rubik cubes
                                                                              2. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
                                                                                1. Bailar
                                                                                  1. Hacer deporte
                                                                                  2. Musical intelligence
                                                                                    1. To play some musical instrument
                                                                                      1. To read
                                                                                        1. Composing musical pieces
                                                                                        2. Interpersonal intelligence
                                                                                          1. To give more credibility to gestures than words
                                                                                            1. To think about how other people see me?
                                                                                              1. Don't be afraid to ask
                                                                                              2. Intrapersonal intelligence
                                                                                                1. To practice Midfulness
                                                                                                  1. To make questions about the own feelings
                                                                                                    1. To evaluate own progress
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