Closed-form Kinematic and Dynamic Models of an Industrial-like RRR Robot


Jhon Lagos
Mind Map by Jhon Lagos, updated more than 1 year ago
Jhon Lagos
Created by Jhon Lagos over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Closed-form Kinematic and Dynamic Models of an Industrial-like RRR Robot
  1. In the article the closed form kinematic and dynamic models of a robot with three degrees of freedom of rotation RRR is presented.
    1. The derivation of the models and estimating their parameters are explained
    2. Kinematic Model
      1. This allows calculation of the corresponding sets a given path movements of the robot end effector
      2. Dinamic Model
        1. It provides information about the control inputs to be applied to the joint actuators to achieve the desired movements of the robot
        2. RRR-robot
          1. It is used as a testbed for a variety of nonlinear control laws.
            1. It is used to solve the nonlinear dynamics of plants and to enable simplified design of motion controllers
            2. EXPERIMENTAL SET -UP
              1. The robot has three angular degrees of freedom (DOF): waist, shoulder and elbow.
                1. Motion controllers running on a platform of hardware / software-based PC that allows great flexibility in the evaluation of a variety of control laws
                2. Robot kinematics in closed-form
                  1. It is done by the Denavit-Hartenberg parameters according to the angles and distances of the robot
                    1. Advantages
                      1. allows direct recognition of robot configurations
                        1. This lets you explicitly control the actual position. You can reach every point in the workspace
                          1. Less computational effort
                        2. ROBOT DYNAMICS IN CLOSED-FORM
                          1. For this, the Euler-Lagrange method is used, taking into account each of the robot varibles.
                          2. MODEL VERIFICATION
                            1. A kinematic analysis of a particular task (writing) is presented.
                              1. A path that allows the set writing set.
                                1. For this a series of calculations are performed, taking into account the length of the links, distances and rotation angles.
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