topic 1


english level 5
Mind Map by kyo282, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kyo282 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

topic 1
  1. company structures
    1. board of directors
      1. top of company herarchy
        1. is
      2. managing director
        1. middle management
          1. department
            1. marketing
              1. public relation
                1. personnel of human
                  1. resources
                    1. finance
                  2. business plan
                    1. is very important for every business
                      1. need
                    2. franchising
                      1. system in wich a company sell and individual the right to operate a business
                        1. known history of success with franchises
                        2. negotiations
                          1. entrepreneurs
                            1. need in my personal opinion
                              1. passion
                                1. vision
                                  1. relationships
                                    1. jugment
                                      1. future orientation
                                  2. tenacity and drive in action
                                  3. management functions
                                    1. planing
                                      1. The difference between a successful and unsuccessful manager
                                        1. organizing
                                          1. Management must organize all its resources
                                            1. directing
                                              1. the process of activating the efforts of employees towards the achievement of organisational objectives.
                                                1. controlling
                                                  1. It is the process of regulating the ongoing activities of the organisation
                                            2. learned to negotiate THROUGH VIDEO
                                            3. banking and finance
                                              1. all companies need money to start or continue their operations
                                                1. companies rely on the balance sheet and income statement
                                                  1. basic accounting equation
                                                  2. commercial banking
                                                  3. marketing
                                                    1. The management process through which goods and services move from concept to the customer
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