
This mind map is the word formation process
Mind Map by garybakersfield, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by garybakersfield almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Acronyms
    1. Initialism is pronounced as a word
      1. HIV- Human Immunodeficiency Virus
        1. AIDS- Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
        2. Are related to word formation process of abreviation
        3. Back-formation
          1. Process which an actual or supposed derivational affix detaches from the base form to create a new word
            1. Babysitter- Babysit
              1. Donation- Donate
                1. Moonlighter- Moonlight
              2. Borrowing
                1. A word in one language Is borrowed directly into another language
                  1. Tamale- Spanish
                    1. Bagel- Yiddish
                      1. Algebra-Arabic
                    2. Derivation
                      1. Is the process which a derivational affix attaches to the base form of a word to create a new word
                        1. Affixes includes prefixes and suffixes.
                          1. PREFIXES
                            1. En- Cause to be
                              1. Dis- Opposite, negative
                              2. SUFFIXES
                                1. Able- Sense of being
                                  1. Ship- Condition, caracter, skill
                            2. Compounding
                              1. Process in which two or more lexemes combine into a single word
                                1. Written as one
                                  1. blueberry
                                    1. notebook
                                    2. Written as two words joined with a hyphen
                                      1. High-risk (in the phrase high-risk students)
                                        1. on-site (when its function as an adjective or adverb)
                                    3. Conversion
                                      1. Also called Zero Derivation
                                        1. Creation of a word form an existing word
                                          1. Verbification
                                            1. Verb from a noun, adjective, or other word
                                              1. Access- To access
                                                1. Knife- To knife
                                                  1. Bottle- To bottle
                                            2. Clipping
                                              1. When a word is reduced or shortened without changing the meaning
                                                1. Back clipping
                                                  1. Gas from gasoline
                                                  2. Complex clipping
                                                    1. Sitcom from situation comedy
                                                    2. Middle clipping
                                                      1. Flu from influenza
                                                      2. Fore clipping
                                                        1. Gator from alligator
                                                    3. Blending
                                                      1. Two or more words combined to form a new word
                                                        1. The meaning is often the combination of the original words
                                                          1. Spanish+english= spanglish
                                                            1. Prim+sissy= Prissy
                                                              1. Motor+hotel= Motel
                                                          2. Coinage
                                                            1. A new word created deliberately or accidentally
                                                              1. Without using the other word formation processes and often from seemingly nothing
                                                                1. Google
                                                                  1. Escalator
                                                                    1. Aspirin
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