

How well are you living?
Fabio Amaro
Mind Map by Fabio Amaro, updated more than 1 year ago
Fabio Amaro
Created by Fabio Amaro about 8 years ago

Resource summary



  • How well are you living? Chech this out
  1. HELP?
    1. Doctor
      1. Nutrition Aust
        1. Dietican
        2. Sleep
          1. Stress
            1. Causes
              1. Exams
                1. Relationship
                  1. Work
                  2. Solutions
                    1. RELAXATION
                      1. YOGA
                        1. MEDIDATION
                          1. DEEP BREATHING
                          2. Avoid
                            1. Caffeine
                              1. Alcohol
                                1. Smoking
                                2. Set goals
                                  1. Exercise
                                  2. Effects
                                    1. Anxious
                                      1. Insomnia
                                        1. Cry
                                      2. Exercise
                                        1. Aerobic
                                          1. Bike
                                            1. Treadmill
                                            2. Warm Up
                                              1. Strength
                                              2. Diet
                                                1. Fruit
                                                  1. Vegetable
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