Data by german amaya


#goobvibes you know
pablo perez
Mind Map by pablo perez, updated more than 1 year ago
pablo perez
Created by pablo perez almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Data by german amaya
  1. How is it represented?
    1. Data is represented in binary form. Binary means two. Binary numbers consists of only two digits. These are '0' and '1'. Each binary digit is represented by an electrical pulse inside the computer. The digit '1' is represented by the presence of electrical pulse. The digit '0' is represented by the absence of a pulse. Each binary digit is called bit (which stands for binary digit). Bit is the smallest element of data. A collection of 8-bits is called byte.
    2. What is it?
      1. Data is information that has been translated into a form that is more convenient to move or process. Relative to today's computers and transmission media, data is information converted into binary digital form.
      2. How is it collected and where?
        1. Data is captured through different ways
          1. Manual (hand movements): mouse, keyboard, tracker ball, graphics tablet, touch screen
            1. Optical: OCR, OMR, punched cards, paper tape,kimball tags and barcodes
              1. Voice recognition: controlling devices, dictation
                1. Card input: Magnetic strips and chips
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