Convergence's fundamental question STEPHEN QUINN


convergencia como nueva táctica de hacer periodismo
Karen Rozo
Mind Map by Karen Rozo, updated more than 1 year ago
Karen Rozo
Created by Karen Rozo about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Convergence's fundamental question STEPHEN QUINN
    1. has as many definitions as the number of people who attempt to define it.
      1. Some saw it primarily as survival
        1. it as a way to protect their place in the market
          1. chance to deliver news and information to consumers in a new and different way
            1. Rich Gordon
              1. forms of convergence
                1. the partnerships between large media companies that permits ‘‘synergy’’
                  1. media companies require reporters to be multi-skilled
                    1. "platypus’’
                    2. storytelling convergence
                      1. would emerge for the three new digital presentation platforms
                        1. desktop computers
                          1. portable devices
                            1. interactive television
                          2. flexibility
                            1. Structural convergence
                              1. reorganize the newsroom and introduce new positions
                            2. Full media convergence involves a radical change in approach and mindset by both managers and journalists.
                              1. The significance of the story will dictate the size of the team.
                          3. Using many tools
                            1. Transmedia
                              1. One storyworld, many stories, many forms, one channel
                              2. Multimedia
                                1. One story, many forms, one channel
                                2. Crossmedia
                                  1. One story, many channels
                              3. Competing Models: the business ideal
                                1. ‘co-opertition’’
                                  1. New form of business in which organizations that originally were competitors work together when it suits each party.
                                    1. Barriers
                                      1. Legislation
                                        1. Australia and New Zealand
                                          1. Legislation that forbidsa company from owning a daily newspaper anda television channel in the same market hasunderstandably limited the convergence process
                                          2. Canada
                                            1. The NewspaperGuild is concerned about convergence ‘‘diluting’’ journalists’ work. Director Arnold Amber said that asking a reporter to do two jobs lessened the quality of work. ‘‘You’re depleting journalism when you split up that persons focus’’ (Healy, 2002, p. 67).
                                            2. George Brock
                                              1. it was better to focus on the paper’s single-media strengths, which were in-depthcoverage and explanation
                                        2. Competing Models: the journalistic ideal
                                          1. multiple platform delivery should be designed ‘‘to help people live more easily’’
                                            1. ‘‘Convergence offers the audience new ways of absorbing news rather"
                                              1. Journalists in the 21st century will need a flexible mindset and the ability to adjust to change
                                            2. What is Driving Convergence?
                                              1. The changing attitudes and lifestyles of news consumers
                                                1. Market fragmentation
                                                  1. greater range
                                                2. Barriers to Convergence
                                                  1. Union concerns for their members’ future
                                                    1. More Easy
                                                      1. focused leadership, the same owner, a flexible culture, co-location of media outlets, previous relation- ships between potential partners and no unions.
                                                    2. Key Factors Related to Convergence
                                                      1. People are changing the way they use their news media
                                                        1. synergy
                                                          1. News organizations need a way to flow information and content for multiple platforms.
                                                            1. One of the key roles of journalism in the forthcoming knowledge age will be to turn information into knowledge
                                                            2. Conclusion
                                                              1. way to do information for differents platforms
                                                                1. convergence is about doing better journalism.
                                                                  1. The journalist must tell with storytelling
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                                                                  BASES DEL PERIODISMO
                                                                  Begoña Monferrer
                                                                  Teoría del periodismo, Lorenzo Gomis
                                                                  Cristina Fernández del Castillo Romo
                                                                  LA COMUNICACIÓN NO VERBAL
                                                                  Cecilia Gudiño
                                                                  La reinvención del periodismo
                                                                  Competencias tecnológicas del periodista
                                                                  Historia de la imagen en prensa
                                                                  Tema 6 - Psicología Social
                                                                  José Francisco Michelli Parra
                                                                  Comunicación social y Relaciones Públicas
                                                                  Danae Maldonado
                                                                  Historia de la Comunicación Social - Test (completo)
                                                                  Angel Gonzalez Rodriguez
                                                                  Características del periodista móvil
                                                                  Conceptos, aplicaciones, características y elementos de una plataforma de comercio electrónico.