Determining the Business Information Systems Strategy


Cap 1 Administracion de la Funcion de la Informacion Mind Map on Determining the Business Information Systems Strategy, created by Emmanuel Salazar on 21/03/2014.
Emmanuel Salazar
Mind Map by Emmanuel Salazar, updated more than 1 year ago
Emmanuel Salazar
Created by Emmanuel Salazar about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Determining the Business Information Systems Strategy
  1. Ayuda a crear estrategias SI
    1. Factores
      1. External long term
        1. External short term
          1. Internal long term
            1. Internal short term
            2. Estrategias de Portafolios
              1. Portafolio
                1. The existing applications
                  1. The required application
                    1. The potential application
                    2. Determinación
                      1. Evaluar
                        1. Monitoriar
                          1. Mejores decisiones
                            1. Cuestion Clave
                              1. Unidades de negocio y sus relaciones
                                1. Madures de la industria
                                  1. Portafolios de los clientes
                                    1. Fuerzas del Mercado
                                      1. FODA
                                      2. Compentencias clave del cliente, productos y operaciones
                                    2. Consideraciones de Objetivos y Estrategias
                                      1. Might do
                                        1. Want do
                                          1. Must do
                                            1. Can do
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