Celebrations and holidays


mapa para presentacion de australia
gabriela guzman
Mind Map by gabriela guzman, updated more than 1 year ago
gabriela guzman
Created by gabriela guzman almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Celebrations and holidays
  1. New Year’s Day, which is on 1 January every year. The most common time for people in Australia to take their annual leave is between mid-December and the end of January.
    1. Christmas and Easter, two of the most important dates in the Christian calendar. Christmas Day is on 25 December every year, while Easter is observed at some point between late March and late April each year.
      1. Boxing Day, the day after Christmas Day, is also a public holiday
        1. Australia Day, on 26 January, is the day Australians celebrate the founding of the first European settlement in Australia in 1788.
          1. Anzac Day, on 25 April, is the day the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (Anzac) landed at Gallipoli in Turkey in 1915 during World War I. This day is set aside in memory of those who fought for Australia and those who lost their lives in war. The day is a national public holiday and is commemorated with ceremonies, the laying of wreaths and military parades.
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