Global Effects of Climate Change


Year 10 study skills Mapa Mental sobre Global Effects of Climate Change, creado por Carmen Vázquez el 02/03/2017.
Carmen Vázquez
Mind Map by Carmen Vázquez, updated more than 1 year ago
Carmen Vázquez
Created by Carmen Vázquez over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Global Effects of Climate Change
  1. Environmental Impacts
    1. Warmer temperatures
      1. Make the glaciers to shrink
        1. Sea ice is shrinking
          1. Decline of some species
            1. Different amount of Rain in each area
              1. Animals in higher latitudes
              2. Damaging or destroying animal habitats
              3. Economic Impacts
                1. Extremer weather
                  1. More money expended on their impacts
                  2. Warmer Temperaures
                    1. Cause areas of permafrost to melt
                      1. Collapse of buildings
                      2. Crops have suffered
                      3. Water Shortages
                        1. Affects abylity to generate power
                      4. Social Impacts
                        1. Damage Homes
                          1. Migration and overcrowding in some areas
                            1. Political Tensions
                              1. Lower crop yields
                                1. Malnutrition
                                  1. Ill health
                                    1. Death
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