conditional sentences


idiomas Ingles Mind Map on conditional sentences, created by ocarop on 06/06/2014.
Mind Map by ocarop, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ocarop over 10 years ago

Resource summary

conditional sentences
  1. type I: present + future / possible present o future


    • if it stops raining, i'm going to walk into town
    1. type II: hypothetical situations in present or future
      1. past tense + would could might


        • How would you know if he wasn't telling the truth? If we had a bit more time here, we could go on a trip
      2. type III: hypothetical situations in the past
        1. past perfect ... would/could/might have infinitive


          • I would have picked you up if I had known what time your flight arrived
        2. mixed conditionals (if we want to refer to present and past)


          • I wouldn't be in this mess if I had listened to your advice
          1. alternatives to if
            1. provided/providing (that)


              • Provided the bank lend us the money we need, we're going to boy that flat we liked
              1. on condition


                • they agreed to lend us the car on condition we returned it by weekend
                1. whether


                  • I'm going  to sell the car whether you agree with me or not
                  1. even if


                    • even if a get the job, I'm going to carry on living with my parents
                    1. supposing


                      • supposing you lost your job, what would you do?
                      1. Had i known


                        • Had I known that you were coming, I would have bought a bottle of wine
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