Wife of Bath quotes Marriage/sex


A-Levels english quotes Mind Map on Wife of Bath quotes Marriage/sex, created by Matt Pope on 05/06/2013.
Matt Pope
Mind Map by Matt Pope, updated more than 1 year ago
Matt Pope
Created by Matt Pope over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Wife of Bath quotes Marriage/sex
  1. worthy womman... Housbandes at chirche dore she hadde fyve
    1. worhty woman... husbands at church door she had five
    2. As wolde God it leveful were unto me/To be refresshed half so ofte has he! (Solomon)
      1. As would God it were lawful unto me/To be refreshed half so often as he!
      2. "I have pyked out the beste/Bothe of here nether purs and of here cheste
        1. I have picked out the best/Both of their lower purse (scrotum) and of their strongbox
        2. For certeyn, olde dotard, by youre leve/Ye shul have queynte right ynogh at eve
          1. For, certainly, old dotard, by your leave/You shall have pudendum right enough at eve
          2. Myn housebonde shall have it bothe eve and morwe
            1. My husband shall have it bot evenings and mornings
            2. Whan myn housbonde is fro the world ygon/Som Christen man shal wedde me anon
              1. When my husband is gone from the world/Some Christian man shall wed me straightaway
              2. Welcome the sixte, whan that evere he shal
                1. welcome the sixth, whenever he shall appear
                2. I seye, I hadde in herte greet despit/That he (4th husband) of any oother had delit
                  1. I say, I had in heart great anger/That he (4th husband) had delight in any other
                  2. Gap-toothed... spores sharpe... gaye scarlet gytes
                    1. Gap-toothed... physiognomy
                    2. Genitals: for purgation/Of uryne... to knowe a femele from a male
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