The Han Dynasty - 202BC - 220AD


(Unit 4 China) Mind Map on The Han Dynasty - 202BC - 220AD, created by bsteer123 on 16/06/2013.
Mind Map by bsteer123, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bsteer123 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Han Dynasty - 202BC - 220AD
  1. Dates
    1. Western Han Dynasty - 202BC - 9AD
      1. Eastern Han Dynasty - 25 - 220AD
      2. Key People
        1. Founded by peasant rebel leader known as Liu Pang or Emperor Gaozu in 202BC.
          1. Longest reigning Emperor of the Han Dynasty was Emperor Wu-ti
            1. Reigned for 54 years
              1. 141 - 87BC
              2. Wang Mang established the Xin Dynasty to overthrow the Han Dynasty between 9 - 25AD.
                1. Liu Xiu restored the Han Dynasty in 25AD
                  1. Emperor Xian - Last Emperor of the Han Dynasty
                  2. Key Events
                    1. 206BC
                      1. End of Qin Dynasty.
                      2. 202BC
                        1. Liu Pang becomes the first Han Emperor.
                        2. 140BC
                          1. Wu-ti starts his reign.
                            1. Chinese Civil Service begins.
                          2. 9AD
                            1. Wang Mang establishes the Xin Dynasty.
                            2. 25AD
                              1. Han Dynasty restored.
                              2. 125AD
                                1. Han power begins to decline.
                                  1. 220AD
                                    1. End of Han Dynasty.
                              3. What Caused Change?
                                1. First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty - Shih Huang-di created enormous upheaval.
                                  1. Ruthless tyrant.
                                    1. Building of the Great Wall of China
                                      1. Millions of poor Chinese people were forced to work as labourers on the Great Wall and other building projects.
                                    2. Emperor Huang-di died
                                      1. Army of peasants were up in arms.
                                        1. From this rebellion a new dynasty emerged, the Han Dynasty.
                                          1. Liu Pang's (First Emperor) parents had been peasants themselves,
                                    3. Significance of the Dynasty
                                      1. Education became more important.
                                        1. Invented better farming tools
                                          1. Better quality Iron.
                                          2. Crop rotation began in 85AD.
                                            1. Trade
                                              1. Silk Road
                                                1. Developed and stretched for 4,000km across central Asia.
                                                  1. Chinese traders had first regular contact with traders in the West.
                                                    1. Brought their brightly coloured silks along the Silk Road to sell to merchants in the ports and cities of Europe.
                                                2. Inventions
                                                  1. Calendar
                                                    1. Paper
                                                      1. Seismograph
                                                        1. Iron Plough
                                                          1. Standard Weights
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