Sound Waves


Mind Map on Sound Waves, created by Danielle McCulloch on 29/09/2013.
Danielle McCulloch
Mind Map by Danielle McCulloch, updated more than 1 year ago
Danielle McCulloch
Created by Danielle McCulloch almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Sound Waves
    1. loudness (amp) - loud and quiet
      1. pitch(frequency) - high and low
        1. quality (wave form/shape) - simple and complex
            1. made of
              1. compressions
                1. Constructive
                  1. high pressure
                    1. speakers= pushed out
                    2. rarefractions
                      1. depression
                        1. destructive
                          1. low pressure
                            1. speakers= pushed in
                      2. FUNTIONS
                        1. transmit energy through a medium
                          1. go thru, around, and reflect off of things
                            1. hav constructive and destructive interference
                              1. similar to mechanical waves
                              2. TUNING FORKS
                                1. always vibrate at a specific frequency
                                2. OSILISCOPE
                                  1. PRESSURE/TIME GRAPH
                                    1. shows how pressure changes over a period of time
                                    2. Definition
                                      1. sound made by changes in pressure
                                      2. SOUND INTENSITY
                                        1. measure of the amount of sound reaching an area (1m2) in 1 s
                                          1. exact measurement verses perception(loudness)
                                            1. pW/m2
                                              1. sound intensity level - to the power of 10
                                                1. measured in the Bel (B)
                                                  1. or the decibel (dB)
                                                  2. intensity increases by factor of 10 = increases by 1B
                                                  3. conversions
                                                      1. 1B = 10pW/m2
                                                    1. VELOCITY OF SOUND IN AIR
                                                      1. HUMAN HEARING
                                                        1. 20 - 20 000 Hz range
                                                          1. dogs - 50 - 50 000 Hz range
                                                            1. infrasonic
                                                              1. ultrasonic
                                                                1. supersonic
                                                                  1. subsonic
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