First Conditional


mapa para estudiar el `primer condicional de ingles
Benjamín Reyes
Mind Map by Benjamín Reyes, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Benjamín Reyes
Created by Benjamín Reyes over 9 years ago
Benjamín Reyes
Copied by Benjamín Reyes over 9 years ago
Benjamín Reyes
Copied by Benjamín Reyes over 9 years ago
Benjamín Reyes
Copied by Benjamín Reyes over 9 years ago

Resource summary

First Conditional
  1. Function
    1. To express: Future events that are likely to happen.
    2. Grammar
      1. Positive = If + subject + do/ does + complements + subject + will + complements
        1. Interrogative = Will + Subject + Complements + If + subject + do/ does + complements + ?
          1. Negative = If + subject + don't/doesn't + complements + subject + wont + complements
          2. Examples
            1. If he doesn't do his homework, he can not go to the party.
              1. Will you stay at home, if it rains tomorrow?
                1. If it is warm, I will go to the beach
                2. Notes
                  1. But this describes possible things, which could easily come true.
                  2. Palma González José Valente
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