World Bank


Mind Map on World Bank, created by Anylu Galvan on 26/08/2015.
Anylu Galvan
Mind Map by Anylu Galvan, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by dottydiva96 over 8 years ago
Anylu Galvan
Copied by Anylu Galvan over 8 years ago

Resource summary

World Bank
  1. Causes of the Cold War
    1. Fear and mistrust
      1. promote integration and sustainable development of rural communities
      2. Post war conferences and broken promises
        1. Communities in Indonesia access clean water.
        2. Eastern bloc countries/buffer zone/satellite states
          1. better manage water resources to improve food and energy
          2. Demise of common enemy (Hitler)
            1. Opportunities to help foster more active, healthy, and productive societies.
            2. 2014-2015
            3. 188 COUNTRIES MEMBERS
              1. Co-operated with Russia during WWII rather than taking a stand
                1. Afghanistan
                  1. Benin
                    1. South Sudan
                      1. Haiti
                        1. Ethiopia
                          1. Helped by:
                            1. loans
                              1. Reconstruction
                                1. Industrial Development
                                  1. Foreign investment
                                2. Somalia
                                3. 1918-1921 - US and British troops sent in to contain communism in Russian Civil War
                                  1. prosperity by fostering the income growth of the bottom 40% for every country
                                  2. GOVERN THE WORLD BANK GROUP THROUGH
                                    1. EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS
                                      1. Counts with:
                                        1. Counts with 25 executive director
                                          1. Cannot exercise any power nor commit or represent the Bank
                                          2. President
                                          3. IBRD
                                          4. BOARDS OF GOVERNORS
                                            1. Senior decision-making body according to the Articles of Agreement.
                                              1. SOME ROLES
                                                1. Admit and suspend members
                                                  1. Increase or decrease the authorized capital stock;
                                                    1. Arrangements with other international organizations
                                                      1. Determine the distribution of the net income
                                                      2. IFC
                                                  2. USSR were to blame
                                                    1. 1947 - Stalin gave BLOC countries official independence yet controlled and chose leaders
                                                      1. FLOW OF INVESTMENT
                                                        1. SIMILAR TO ICSID
                                                        2. ECONOMIC GROWTH, REDUCE POVERTY, IMPROVE PEOPLE'S LIVES.
                                                        3. Trying to impose communism - America was acting on self-defence
                                                          1. Economic Growth
                                                            1. Facilitates access to financial markets
                                                              1. Preserves borrowers' financial strength
                                                              2. Created after World War 2
                                                                1. 1944
                                                                  1. IFC
                                                                    1. Financial and technical assistance to developing countries
                                                                      1. 1956
                                                                        1. 184 COUNTRIES
                                                                          1. ICSID
                                                                            1. encourage international flow of investment
                                                                              1. facilitates disputeS between international investors
                                                                              2. 1966
                                                                                1. IDA
                                                                                  1. LOANS
                                                                                    1. GRANTS
                                                                                      1. 1966
                                                                                        1. PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES
                                                                                          1. ASIA
                                                                                            1. AFRICA
                                                                                          2. Source of financial assistance for developing countries
                                                                                            1. FOUNDED IN 1944
                                                                                              1. Reduces Poverty
                                                                                                1. Promotes investment
                                                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                                                  Chinese civil war 1946 - 1949
                                                                                                  Defensive Perimeter Strategy
                                                                                                  The Korean War (1950 - 1953)
                                                                                                  Model states: Philippines 1900 - 1945
                                                                                                  Presidential involvement in Vietnam 1945 - 1975
                                                                                                  Red Scare: late 1940's to early 1950's
                                                                                                  Model states: Japan (1945 - 1951)
                                                                                                  Viet-Franco War 1945-1954
                                                                                                  NSC-68 (1950)
                                                                                                  The Truman Doctrine (1947)
                                                                                                  International Organisations
                                                                                                  Thomas Woolley