
Mind Map on BLOOD VESSELS N' BLOOD STRUCTURE_1, created by Tafae Machimbiz on 10/11/2013.
Tafae Machimbiz
Mind Map by Tafae Machimbiz, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Tafae Machimbiz
Created by Tafae Machimbiz almost 11 years ago
Tafae Machimbiz
Copied by Tafae Machimbiz almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. blood contains 4 substances within it
    1. ERYTHROCYTES__a.k.a red blood cells
      1. contain haemoglobin with O2__anemia is a result of a lack of thiz
        1. larger surface area__to collect mo O2
          1. flexible membrane__inorder for it to pass thru capillaries
        2. PLASMA__55% in blood__carries blood cells, dissolved waste n' nutrients__also carries hormones: heat, drugs,vitamins etc
          1. LEUCOCYTES__a.k.a white blood cells__they fyt diseases__release antibodies
            1. larger size with no shape in order to swallow bacteria__phagocytes
              1. larger nucleus in order to sense foreign substances n' release antibodies__lymphocytes
            2. THROMBOCYTES__a.k.a platelets__produced in the bone marrow
              1. their job is blood clottin' when necessary e.g. when there is a cut in the skin
                1. very small n' light in order to pass thru the walls to stop excessive bleeding
            3. blood vessels have a job of transporting blood to where it should go
              1. ATERIES__carry blood from the heart__made out of a tissue__thick walls but small lumen
                1. endothilium walls are very stretchy__high blood pressure
                  1. stretchy walls to cope with the pressue
                  2. VEINS
                    1. carry blood to the heart__thinner walls with a very large lumen
                      1. have valves to stop back flow of blood under gravity
                    2. CAPILLARIES__very tiny_connect veins n' ateries__made up of endothiliam cells
                      1. have gaps on the walls to allow diffusion of material between blood n' cells
                        1. blood pressure is very low in comparison to aterries__also due to the thinness of their walls
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