Advanced Calculas


Mind Map on Advanced Calculas, created by Evan on 06/12/2013.
Mind Map by Evan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Evan almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Advanced Calculas
  1. Fourier
    1. Fourier Series
      1. Fourier Integral
        1. Fourier Transform
        2. Methods for Solving ODEs
          1. Seperable Equations
            1. Linear First Order ODES solved with method don't know what it's called
              1. Solving Higher order Equations
                1. Solve Characteristic Equation and get homogenous solution
                  1. Find Particular Solution
                    1. Assume General Particular Solution
                      1. Sub back into original equation and solve. FInd coefficiants
                      2. Use I.V to solve coefficiants from Homo. solution
                      3. Laplace Transform
                        1. Convolution Theorem
                          1. Partial Fractions
                            1. Extend Knowledge
                              1. Time Shifting
                              2. Damping, Resonance and stuff. Wheres it go?
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