Blood and circulation


Cambridge IGCSE Biology Mind Map on Blood and circulation, created by elliesutherland on 12/01/2014.
Mind Map by elliesutherland, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by elliesutherland over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Blood and circulation
  1. Blood vessles
    1. Arteries
      1. Thick muscular walls
        1. Carry oxygenated blood
          1. High blood pressure
          2. Capillaries
            1. One cell thick
              1. allows for diffusion
                1. Gases
                  1. Dissolved food
              2. Veins
                1. lows blood pressure
                  1. Have valves
                    1. Carry deoxygenated blood
                  2. Heart
                    1. Heart- lungs- heart-body-heart
                      1. beats around 70 time a minute
                        1. Coronary heart disease
                          1. causes
                            1. obesity
                              1. high blood cholesterol
                                1. high fat diet
                                2. coronary arteries become narrow or blocked
                              2. Blood
                                1. Plasma
                                  1. transports
                                    1. dissolved food molecules
                                      1. Urea
                                        1. Carbon dioxide
                                      2. Red blood cells
                                        1. Biconcave
                                          1. Contains haemoglobin
                                            1. Transports oxygen
                                            2. Platelets
                                              1. cell fragments
                                                1. Helps clot blood
                                                2. White blood cells
                                                  1. Deffend body against attack by microbes
                                                    1. Lymphocytes
                                                      1. produce antibodies
                                                        1. memory lymphocytes
                                                          1. immunity to specific disease
                                                        2. Phagocytes
                                                          1. engluf and digest microorganisms
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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