

Mind Map on Fibonacci_1, created by jcsanii on 18/01/2014.
Mind Map by jcsanii, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jcsanii over 10 years ago
Copied by jcsanii over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Life
    1. he was a writer, he wrote 6 books one named Libre Arcid
      1. Real name Leonardo Pisano
        1. Born 1170 Dyed 1250
          1. There is a statue of him in Italy
            1. He could speak German
              1. Father was an Italian merchant
              2. ways to find the next Fibonacci number
                1. golden ratio
                  1. 1.618
                    1. Last fibonacci number multiplied by the golden ratio gives you the next fibonacci number
                      1. the symbole
                      2. the last 2 fibonacci numbers added together
                        1. Fibonacci spiral
                    2. how to reconise if a number is a Fibonacci number
                      1. you can tell by an equasion
                        1. 5 N^2 + 4 or 5N^2 – 4
                          1. N+ the number you are testing
                            1. product must be a perfect square for n to be a Fibonacci number
                          2. or the triangle
                            1. Fibonacci triangle
                              1. Pascales triangle
                          3. Intersting facts
                            1. He tested his theory with rabbits
                              1. His pattern is used on wall street to make money
                                1. He spread the use of numbers like 1,2 and 3 instead of using roman numeals
                                  1. NOT
                                    1. 1,2,3 is used for arabic and hindu numbers.
                                      1. He spreaded it through Europe most of the world used the other system at the time
                                      2. He did not discover the pattern first it was known in India for hundreds of years before his time
                                      3. His pattern appears through nature
                                        1. It's in many living things DNA
                                          1. In plants
                                            1. In humans
                                              1. In shells
                                                1. In animals
                                                  1. It is in DNA because of the re-produuction cycle
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