

Mind Map on 2_Beef, created by Bill Heenan on 21/04/2016.
Bill Heenan
Mind Map by Bill Heenan, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Chloe Jayne1357
Created by Chloe Jayne1357 about 8 years ago
Bill Heenan
Copied by Bill Heenan about 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Cow (cattle)
    1. Water
      1. Food
        1. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
          1. ... insert notes about adverse and positive effects of CAFOs
        2. Land
          1. Infrastructure
            1. Degredation
            2. Immunisations
              1. medical companies
              2. Slaughter
                1. Transportation
                  1. To the butchers
                    1. Tools
                      1. steel and aluminium production
                        1. energy
                      2. Packaging
                        1. synthetic plastic production
                        2. Waste
                        3. Refridgeration
                          1. Roads and Infrastructure
                            1. Trucks
                          2. Transportation
                            1. Cattle Yards
                              1. Infrastructure
                            2. Note: There are also dairy cows and draft animals
                              1. Waste
                              2. From animal to beef
                                1. Abattoir
                                  1. Infrastructure
                                    1. Cold Room
                                      1. tools
                                        1. construction
                                    2. Shops
                                      1. Money
                                        1. Transportation
                                          1. Home
                                            1. Waste
                                          2. Plastic Bags
                                            1. Manufactoring
                                              1. waste
                                              2. Receipts / Dockets
                                                1. Factory
                                                  1. forestry
                                                    1. water use
                                                      1. transport
                                                        1. infrastructure
                                                    2. Marketing
                                                      1. Independant firms
                                                        1. TV
                                                          1. Radio
                                                            1. Catalogues and other print media
                                                              1. paper
                                                                1. wood
                                                                  1. foresty
                                                                2. ink
                                                                  1. water
                                                                    1. waste
                                                                      1. recycling
                                                                        1. water
                                                                      2. Headquarters
                                                                        1. Building
                                                                          1. Utilities
                                                                            1. Concrete
                                                                              1. steel
                                                                              2. wokers
                                                                                1. Transport to work
                                                                              3. Billboards
                                                                          2. Cooking
                                                                            1. BBQ
                                                                              1. Fry Pan
                                                                                1. steel
                                                                                  1. manufactoring
                                                                                    1. utilities
                                                                                2. utilities
                                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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