Anil Themes


GCSE English Literature (Anil) Mind Map on Anil Themes, created by Kajal Patel on 13/03/2014.
Kajal Patel
Mind Map by Kajal Patel, updated more than 1 year ago
Kajal Patel
Created by Kajal Patel over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Anil Themes
  1. Patriarchy
    1. Mom sleeps on the mat and Appa sleeps on the 'rattan bed'
      1. position of the mother is lower which is symbolic of her low dignity and position in the family and community
        1. society expects women to stay below
        2. whereas father sleeps on the comfortable 'rattan bed'
          1. males are more privileged even though poor
            1. as if women are meant to give up their comfort for the males
          2. "now the force of impending death had awakened her for a final struggle for her life"
            1. she is being 'forced' to 'death' when 'unconscious'
              1. it is the women who is the victim of abuses and violence and death
                1. shows how few right they have, no right over their own lives
                  1. women is the victim of men - patriarchy
                    1. no reason given purposefully because she is innocent, emphasises the injustice
              2. Lack of mom's importance in the family
                1. she is not asked when making the decision of Anil
                  1. Appa does not care about her
                    1. "Shanti, the woman's daughter'
                      1. when it is a daughter it was seen as the belonging of the mother
                        1. next line talks about Marimuthu about no link made between the father and the daughter
                      2. whereas emphasised several time that Anil is the 'only son' of Raghunathan
                        1. maybe he has a sister but not of importance and not mentioned
                          1. Anil is of greater importance as seen as the men who can earn to the family
                            1. never referred to as the mother's son
                  2. Marimuthu's wife and Amma
                    1. lack of name means no personal identity
                      1. recognised only for her duties as the amma of the family
                        1. recognised by the husband's name as if she is possessed and all because of him
                    2. "now the force of impending death had awakened her for a final struggle for her life"
                      1. use of word 'final'
                        1. make sit seem as if this is something common in their life
                          1. and this is her 'final struggle' of all as she will be free when die
                            1. highlights the belief that women are meant to have 'struggle' and pain
                              1. story explores all the possible struggles
                                1. "bruise on her shoulder
                                  1. "abused by his family."
                        2. "he body of the woman lay limp, swaying from side to side and twirling sadistically to face east and then west and then east again."
                          1. 'limp' means not stable and firm
                            1. as if she is pleading people around for help
                              1. whereas tree represents headman who is stable and has dark underpinnings of human psyche
                                1. he cants be uprroted
                                  1. shows women's powerlessness and how they have no control or stability
                        3. poverty
                          1. poor condition of family
                            1. no description of rooms or things in hut shows lack of possessions or assets.
                              1. they live in a hut that's small
                                1. thatched roof that rarely provides protect
                                  1. it is said to be dusty implying to unhygeinic
                                2. No description of rooms or things in hut shows lack of possessions or assets.
                                  1. mom has only 'four faded sari' they can't afford normal belongings
                                  2. ‘’Mosquitoes were in their reign of terrorism’’.
                                    1. Creates image of backward slum kind of area.
                                      1. mosquitoes breed in an area that is dirty and unhygienic
                                        1. Signs of unmaintained and poor livelihood.
                                          1. Gives an idea about how poorly developed their society is.
                                    2. "Dreaming their dreams that rarely amounted to anything."
                                      1. They are dreaming everyday life and profitable occupation.
                                        1. shows how much consumed they are with their jobs
                                          1. Perhaps struggling very much to live living.
                                            1. Portrays how poor they are that basics of well set life is like a dream.
                                      2. "And Ragunathan, the illiterate, uneducated father, the person with little dreams, the mouse of a man who was ever ready to serve his employer, nodded agreeably. "
                                        1. Writer focuses specially on fact that he is ‘illiterate’.
                                          1. He prove point that still headman employs him and is grateful to him.
                                            1. Reason to why Anil’s father is forced to nodded agreeably.
                                              1. He depends so heavily on headman for income.
                                                1. How poverty has forced them to live life of misery and influence all decisions.
                                        2. ‘’The street were dark with no lighting.’’
                                          1. Lack of facilities on the streets.
                                            1. Living in extremely remote and deprived area and poverty.
                                        3. Loss Of Innocence
                                          1. "there were no more stars in the morning.’’
                                            1. Stars symbolise aspiration & dreams boy has at start.
                                              1. Childhood fantasy and imagination of grabbing ‘fascinating’ stars.
                                                1. Believes that it is very easy to achieve such dreams.
                                                  1. Because believes in ‘magical wonders of life’ and that the world is much better. shows his positivity
                                              2. But then night brings an end to childhood & innocent belief understand.
                                                1. He discovers that the world is full of evil & deceive & violence.
                                                  1. Feels how he is trapped in darknes.
                                                    1. This makes him realise his dream hard to achieve & fulfil in this world of power and rule.
                                                      1. Hence "there were no more stars in the morning.’’
                                              3. ‘’Battle with his fearing of venturing out in the dark.’’
                                                1. At the beginning Anil is afraid of darkness.
                                                  1. He is innocent & find myths about ‘ghosty tree’ and ‘ghost’ more scary.
                                                  2. ‘’Shadow of a smile on his lips.”
                                                    1. But towards the end of discovers that the real darkness is not nature revealed.
                                                      1. Threat is possessed by the dark underpinnings of human psychology.
                                                        1. The smile has evil constipation of corruption.
                                                          1. So it has dark ‘shadow’ sign that something unfair is going.
                                                            1. This is the darknes one should be actually afraid about.
                                                          2. When written talks about ‘shadow’ of the evil that is not seen but leaves dark effect.
                                                    2. ‘’He could see only the dark.’’ ‘’His eyes became accustomed to the darkness.
                                                      1. At start of story Anil is innocent child and unaware of dark.
                                                        1. He could only see dark but not see through it.
                                                          1. Meaning he can’t realize that the darkness is more than dark nights.
                                                            1. He couldn’t see the people behind this darkness.
                                                        2. whereas once he starts seeing this incident, he becomes exposed to the dark.
                                                          1. He is getting ‘accustomed’ to dead's of deception.
                                                            1. He becomes ‘used to’ this cruel world like how most adults have.
                                                        3. ‘’Are you sending me away because I saw him do it?’’
                                                          1. Shows his understanding about how the cruel world works.
                                                            1. He knows that headman was the part of this & he is misusing his power.
                                                              1. But now afraid to discover as he fears pain it will bring.
                                                            2. Unlike the second day where he perhaps did not know headman was the part of murder.
                                                              1. He was not afraid to tell the truth.
                                                            3. "I will never Roget the sin this villages buries today,"
                                                              1. Shows his understanding about how this incident has comp changed his life.
                                                                1. And how he is grown up and start to keep these memories.
                                                                  1. He is no longer a child who forgets some bad experience in a few days.
                                                                    1. He is starting to understand secrets that are buried &its sin.
                                                                      1. ‘’Are you sending me away because I saw him do it?’’
                                                            4. Darkness and Fear
                                                              1. Adults afraid of truth
                                                                1. "‘’His eyes darting from one face to another.’’"
                                                                  1. So they then support him to hide truth.
                                                                    1. Scared of its consequence.
                                                                    2. Their goodwill depend on headman.
                                                                      1. He has economic power over them.
                                                                        1. Can harm them only way.
                                                                  2. Anil's fear about ghosts
                                                                    1. "They. Peyi, Pesase. Ghosts."
                                                                      1. oen word sentence
                                                                        1. shows his unbearable fear
                                                                          1. does not even know how to describe it
                                                                        2. childhood innocence as being afraid of ghosts
                                                                          1. does not know that the real thing to be afraid of are human psyche
                                                                      2. Real Darkness
                                                                        1. "It was a tree that ate children."
                                                                          1. Image of ‘ghosty’ tree with myths.
                                                                            1. Something children think they might afraid about.
                                                                            2. But real darkness lies in its simple meaning.
                                                                              1. Represent the dark underpinning of headman psycology.
                                                                                1. That is something which possess real threat
                                                                          2. Not afraid to see the crime
                                                                            1. "He turned back to the window."
                                                                              1. yet he is very curios to know what is going on
                                                                                1. tempted to look there and can't look behind
                                                                              2. he is scared so he turns to his parents
                                                                                1. knows something wrong is happening
                                                                              3. Marimuthu's fear and guilt
                                                                                1. "Marimuthu turned sharply to face his accuser, his eyes momentarily exposing his naked guilt. But then he saw the little boy and pretended to be wrapped in sorrow once again."
                                                                                  1. he is afraid and 'guilty' of what he has done
                                                                                    1. so he turns instantly to see who spoke out
                                                                                    2. but relieved to 'see little biy'
                                                                                      1. he is aware that he can use the 'dark' side of his brother to get him out of the way
                                                                                        1. underestimates the power of villagers and misuse corruption
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