Anatomy & Physiology (Antenatal)_1


(Antenatal) Mind Map on Anatomy & Physiology (Antenatal)_1, created by jchavner on 22/05/2013.
Mind Map by jchavner, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jchavner almost 11 years ago
Copied by jchavner almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Anatomy & Physiology (Antenatal)_1
  1. 1.BP - Looking for Pre-eclampsia = detrimental to health of mother & baby. Progesterone increase aids the softening of the smooth muscle in the blood vessel walls; BP should remain in normal limits. Early intervention = effects minimised. NICE recommends BP at each AN visit. NMW rules & standards = monitor normal pregnancy to recognise warning signs of abnormality
    1. 2.Urinalysis - Looking for Protein, Glucose, Blood, Ketones & Leukocytes. Protein = pre-eclampsia or infection. Leukocytes = infection. Ketones = Dehydration or malnutrition. Blood = infection or contamination. Glucose = Diabetes - NICE do NOT recommend testing for glucose in pregnancy, but women at high risk (i.e. obese) should be monitored closely.
      1. . 3. Palpation - To ascertain fetal size & growth, fetal health, position & presentation, detect deviation from the norm. Generally done for reassurance (maternal) NICE recommend from 36/40 only. Done prior to Auscultation of FH - as FH heard clearer between the shoulder blades. INSPECTION - stretch marks, pigmentation & bruises & trauma. PALPATION - fundal (height), lateral (lie) pelvic (presentation & engagement). MEASUREMENT - locate top of fundus, using paper tape measure (upside down to prevent influence/bias) measure to symphsis pubis (bone). RECORD - measurement on individualised Growth Chart - Act appropriately if deviates from the norm (perinatal institute). Lateral palpation to ascertain lie = longitudinal left preferred; optimal fetal positioning. Pelvic palpation - avoid Pawlik's grip, always be cautious about causing pain or discomfort, maintain dignity. Cephalic = normal /optimal position. Assess ENGAGEMENT.
        1. 4.Auscultation - Pinard Stethoscope or Sonicaid, Normal = 110-160bpm. Maternal pulse - normal = 60-80bpm. Listen for a full minute; may be aware of accelerations & decelerations inicating good variability.
          1. 5.Document contemporaneously throughout appointment as per current NICE and NMC guidelines to maintain professional accountability
            1. 6.If any deviations from the norm detected refer appropriately to a member of the wider MDT.
              1. 7.Book in next appointment
                1. 8.Make woman aware of contact numbers if concerned or if signs of labour present
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