An Inspector Calls is set in 1912 & was written in 1945. Why is it still popular today?


GCSE English Literature Mind Map on An Inspector Calls is set in 1912 & was written in 1945. Why is it still popular today?, created by zahra.123 on 22/05/2013.
Mind Map by zahra.123, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by zahra.123 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

An Inspector Calls is set in 1912 & was written in 1945. Why is it still popular today?
  1. THESIS STATEMENT: issues that occured back then are either still relevant now or are issues that people don't wish to bring up again
    1. Conflict in families: "You're not the kind of father a chap could go to"
      1. Shows what life would be like without healthcare: "There are millions of Eva Smiths & John Smiths left in this world"
        1. The ending is one that feeds people's curiosities even to this day & is an enjoyable ending
          1. Teaching that everyone must face their consequences: "We don't live alone. We are members of one body"
            1. Representing the prejudice viewpoints on:
              1. The lower class: "... as if a girl of that sort would ever refuse money"
                1. Women: "Girls aren't cheap labour. They're people"
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