School Questions


Questions about school for ESL students.
Meagan Kaiser
Mind Map by Meagan Kaiser, updated more than 1 year ago
Meagan Kaiser
Created by Meagan Kaiser almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

School Questions
  1. Where did you go to school?
    1. Did you belong to any clubs before uni?
      1. Are you in any clubs / groups now?
      2. Did you go to public high school or private school?
        1. Did you have to wear a uniform?
          1. Did you like your uniform?
          2. What subjects did you / do you like to study?
            1. Did you play sports in school?
              1. How about in university?
              2. Do you still keep in touch with friends from school?
                1. How was school lunch?
                  1. What is unique about your school(s)?
                    1. How did you come to school?
                      1. Do you have a good / funny memory from school?
                        1. What do you wish schools were like?
                          1. Have you seen a really amazing school somewhere?
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