Standard error


Need standard error compute confidence intervals/significance tests
Kayla Campbell
Mind Map by Kayla Campbell, updated more than 1 year ago
Kayla Campbell
Created by Kayla Campbell almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Standard error
  1. Middle bar always population mean
    1. SE = Does samples vary from population mean
      1. 2 samples from population may have differing SE
        1. Sampling error
          1. variation from population
          2. Is difference due to sample variation or manipulation
            1. For each sample there is a mean (circle in the middle) and an upper and lower interval (adjoining lines) which show how scores difference from population mean
              1. Samples whose upper interval and lower interval do not at all fall on population mean don't contain 'true value'
              2. Middle bar always population mean
                1. SE = Does samples vary from population mean
                  1. 2 samples from population may have differing SE
                    1. Is difference due to sample variation or manipulation
                      1. For each sample there is a mean (circle in the middle) and an upper and lower interval (adjoining lines) which show how scores difference from population mean
                        1. Samples whose upper interval and lower interval do not at all fall on population mean don't contain 'true value'
                        2. SE is the standard deviation of a sampling distribution
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