
Inglés 1º ESO Mind Map on PRESENT SIMPLE, created by Sara Tristell on 19/07/2014.
Sara Tristell
Mind Map by Sara Tristell, updated more than 1 year ago
Sara Tristell
Created by Sara Tristell about 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 1. USO
    1. RUTINAS
      1. I listen to music every day
        1. We live in Spain
        2. HORARIOS
          1. Our flight leaves at six
        3. 2. AFFIRMATIVE FORM
            1. You take great photos
            2. 3rd singular person (he, she, it)
              1. Se añade una -s
                1. He takes great photos
                2. Se añade -es con los verbos acabados en
                  1. -ch
                    1. She watches TV
                    2. -o
                      1. He does his homework
                      2. -ss
                        1. David misses her girlfriend
                        2. -sh
                          1. She washes the dishes
                          2. -x
                            1. The plumber fixes the sink
                          3. Se añade -ies
                            1. Cuando el verbo acaba en consonante + y
                              1. She studies German
                                1. study, try, worry, marry, fly...
                          4. 3. NEGATIVE FORM
                            1. SUBJECT+ DO NOT/ DOES NOT+ VERB IN BASE FORM+ COMPLEMENTS
                              1. 3rd singular person (he, she, it)
                                1. Does not/ doesn't
                                  1. She does not take great photos
                                    1. He doesn't take great photos
                                  2. (I, you, we, they)
                                    1. Do not/ don't
                                      1. I do not take great photos
                                        1. We don't take great photos
                                  3. 4. INTERROGATIVE FORM
                                    1. (INTERROGATIVE P.) + DO/ DOES+ SUBJECT+ VERB IN BASE FORM+ COMPLEMENTS+ ?
                                      1. Do you take great photos?
                                        1. Does Martin take great photos?
                                          1. Where do you live?
                                          2. ANSWER
                                            1. Yes, subject + do/ does
                                              1. Yes, I do
                                                1. Yes, he does
                                                2. No, subject + do not/ don't / does not/ doesn't
                                                  1. No, I do not/ don't
                                                    1. No, he does not/ doesn't
                                                3. 6. TIME EXPRESSIONS
                                                  1. always, never, usually often, sometimes, rarely, occasionally...
                                                    1. I am always late
                                                      1. Detrás del verbo to be
                                                      2. You never trust me
                                                        1. Delante de los demás verbos
                                                      3. Everyday, in the morning/ afternoon/ evening, at night once a week/ month/ year,
                                                        1. Everyday I clean the house
                                                          1. I clean the house everyday
                                                            1. Al principio o al final de la frase
                                                        2. 5. VERB TO BE
                                                          1. AFFIRMATIVE FORM
                                                            1. I am/ I'm + complements
                                                              1. I am happy/ I'm happy
                                                              2. He/ She/ It is He's/ She's/ It's + comeplements
                                                                1. He is / He's rude
                                                                2. You/ We/ They are You're/ We're/ They're + complements
                                                                  1. They are polite/ They're polite
                                                                3. NEGATIVE FORM
                                                                  1. I am not + complements
                                                                    1. I am not British
                                                                    2. He/ She/ It is not/ isn't + complements
                                                                      1. She is not/ isn't angry
                                                                      2. They/ We/ You are not/ aren't + complements
                                                                        1. They are not/ aren´t tired
                                                                      3. INTERROGATIVE FORM
                                                                        1. Am I + complements + ?
                                                                          1. Am I happy?
                                                                          2. Is + she/ he/ it + complements + ?
                                                                            1. Is he Canadian?
                                                                            2. Are they/you/we + complements + ?
                                                                              1. Are you busy?
                                                                              2. ANSWER
                                                                                1. Yes,
                                                                                  1. I am
                                                                                    1. He/ she/ it is
                                                                                      1. They/ you/ we are
                                                                                      2. No,
                                                                                        1. I am not
                                                                                          1. He/ she/ it is not/ isn't
                                                                                            1. They/ you/ we are not/ aren't
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                                                                                      PRESENT SIMPLE 2 MULTIPLE CHOICE
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                                                                                      Present simple
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                                                                                      PRESENT SIMPLE BASIC
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                                                                                      Present Simple
                                                                                      Laetitia mn
                                                                                      POSESION have got /has got
                                                                                      Laetitia mn