CHEMISTRY Y8 - Reactions & Tests


Year 7 CHEMISTRY Science Revision Mind Map on CHEMISTRY Y8 - Reactions & Tests, created by Charisse Villarino on 26/10/2017.
Charisse Villarino
Mind Map by Charisse Villarino, updated more than 1 year ago
Charisse Villarino
Created by Charisse Villarino almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

CHEMISTRY Y8 - Reactions & Tests
  1. Neutralisation Reaction
    1. Acid + Alkali > Salt + Water
      1. H+ ions + OH- ions > H2O
        1. Hydrochloric Acid + Lead Hydroxide > Lead Chloride + Water
        2. Metal-Acid Reaction
          1. Metal + Acid > Metal Salt + Hydrogen
            1. Magnesium + Hydrochloric Acid > Magnesium Chloride + Hydrogen
              1. Gas being produced - Violent fizzing
                1. Temperature change - Bottom of test tube gets warmer
                2. Metal Carbonate-Acid Reaction
                  1. Metal Carbonate + Acid > Metal Salt + Water + Carbon Dioxide
                    1. Zinc Carbonate + Sulfuric Acid > Zinc Sulfate + Water + Carbon Dioxide
                    2. Squeaky Pop Test
                      1. 'Squeaky pop' sound is heard when a lit splint is placed in the presence of HYDROGEN GAS
                      2. Limewater Test
                        1. Turns cloudy/milky in the presence of CARBON DIOXIDE GAS
                        2. Complete Combustion
                          1. Hydrocarbon + Oxygen > Carbon Dioxide + Water
                            1. Enough oxygen for the fuel to burn completely
                            2. Incomplete Combustion
                              1. Hydrocarbon + Oxygen > Carbon Monoxide + Carbon + Water
                                1. NOT enough oxygen for the fuel to burn completely
                                2. Oxidation Reaction
                                  1. Metal + Oxygen > Metal Oxide
                                    1. Iron + Oxygen > Iron Oxide
                                      1. Iron (solid) will rust reacting with oxygen
                                      2. Magnesium + Oxygen > Magnesium Oxide
                                        1. Magnesium (very hot) emits energy in the form of a bright white light
                                          1. Magnesium Oxide - White brittle powder
                                        2. Displacement Reaction
                                          1. C + A compound > A + C compound
                                            1. C joins B as it is a more reactive metal than A (displacing A in its compound)
                                            2. Cobalt Chloride Paper Water Test
                                              1. Cobalt chloride paper turns blue to pink when MOISTURE is added
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