Endangered Species (k12reader.com)


Jo S
Mind Map by Jo S, updated more than 1 year ago
Jo S
Created by Jo S over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Endangered Species (k12reader.com)
  1. 1) What would be the result if worldwide laws were passed to protect animal habitats? If people protect animal habitats, then animal populations can increase.
    1. 2) Give an example of something that can be done to help keep endangered animals from becoming extinct. People can rescue the animals for breeding.
      1. 3) What statement supports the idea that the author believes animals need to be protected? The author says that animals with small populations need protection (par. 4).
        1. 4) Based on the article, what does extinction mean? Extinction is when all the animals of one kind die (par. 1).
          1. 5) What is one way that humans affect animal populations? People destroy animals' habitats, including cutting down trees, to make space for homes.
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