Geography: Resource Management


GCSE Geography Mind Map on Geography: Resource Management, created by Beth Smith on 11/11/2017.
Beth Smith
Mind Map by Beth Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Beth Smith
Created by Beth Smith over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Geography: Resource Management
  1. Types
    1. Fuel/Energy
      1. Non-Renewable
        1. Fossil Fuels
          1. Coal
            1. Oil
              1. Gas
            2. Renewable
              1. Biofuel
                1. Wave Power
                  1. Wind Turbines
                    1. Solar Panels
                      1. Tidal Power
                    2. Water
                      1. Agriculture
                        1. Industry
                          1. Domestic
                          2. Food
                            1. Animal/Livestock Feed
                              1. Crops for human consumption
                            2. What is a resource?
                              1. A stock or supply of materials, money or people that can be used by a person or organisation
                              2. Distribution
                                1. Distribution of resources in the world is unequal
                                  1. Surplus
                                    1. More than enough to meet the population's needs
                                      1. Oil in the Middle East is an example of Food Surplus
                                    2. Scarcity
                                      1. Not enough to meet the population's needs
                                        1. Africa's lack of water is an example of Food Scarcity
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