

Basic explanation of Supply Economics.
Katerina Scott
Mind Map by Katerina Scott, updated more than 1 year ago
Katerina Scott
Created by Katerina Scott almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Marginal Revenue
    1. added revenue per unit of output
    2. Marginal Product
      1. the change in total output that results from adding one more worker
        1. Diminishing Returns
          1. when new workers cause marginal product to grow but at a decreasing rate
      2. Supply Elasticity
        1. Elastic Supply
          1. a good's supply responds quickly to change in price
            1. pizza
          2. Inelastic Supply
            1. a good's supply responds slowly to change in price
              1. limited concert tickets
            2. The higher the elasticity of supply, the faster the supply will increase when demand and price increase
            3. Law Of Supply
              1. producers are willing to sell a good/service at a higher price than they are at a lower price
                1. If price of a product decreases, producers are likely to increase production to bring marginal costs in line with the lower price
                  1. If Eastman is required by the EPA to place scrubbers on smoke stacks in order to improve air quality, why might there be a decrease in the supply of Eastman's products?
                    1. The costs of the scrubbers will cause an increase in price.
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