Life in Celtic Ireland


Cool Celtic Ireland ☘
Mateusz  Himicz
Mind Map by Mateusz Himicz, updated more than 1 year ago
Mateusz  Himicz
Created by Mateusz Himicz over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Life in Celtic Ireland
  1. Food
    1. animals were killed in Autumn and preserved in salt. Hunting brought extra food. Food was cooked on spits
    2. Celtic gods
      1. Lugh- War An Dagda- Chief god Bridgid- Main goddess Boann- River godess
      2. oghnam stomes
        1. these are graves marked by standing stones
        2. men used to wear makeup made out of berries and herbs
          1. poor people wore wool trousers without a t-shirt And women wore a tunic
            1. also rich people wore dyed bright clothes And women wore ankle length tunics
              1. Celts cared a lot about their appearance they only wore wool linen clothes that we're bright
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