Job Performance


Selection and Assessment Mind Map on Job Performance, created by joshuabourne1 on 30/05/2013.
Mind Map by joshuabourne1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by joshuabourne1 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Job Performance
  1. 2 problems: what is meant by job performance and how can it be measured in a valid/reliable way
    1. (Borman, 1993) First type: Task (activities that directly transform raw materials in store - selling merchandise or cashing cheques at bank/activities that service these core technical processes such as coordination and planning that enable organisation to run effectively
      1. (Borman, 1993) Second type: Discretionary (supports broader/social/psychological environment of org, including organisational citizenship behaviours (volunteering to help others, conserve resources, take extra duties without complaining))
      2. Measured in 4 ways (JPHT)
        1. Judgemental data (subjective evaluation by others, usually boss, "employee demonstrates good work ethic" Adv: can be obtained by any future job evaluator. Disadv: biased in judgements (towards women), halo effect or central tendency effect
          1. Production data (quality/quantity of one's work - number of words typed in a minute/errors made. Adv: easy to collect and not often subjective towards biases, easily understood. Disadv: not measuring job performance but job effectiveness, which is not under the person's control (such as type of product they sell) (Campbell 1993)
            1. HR Data (info collected about employees, though not actually data type, more of a data source. Adv: readily available, may shed light on work behaviour and some variables measured (absences) are objective. Disadv: little variation of 'scores', such as with accidents at work, which isn't a measure of job performance, and difficult to know why somone got a particular 'score', someone could have gotten an accident out of incompetency, or could have gotten an accident because of organisation's lack of security precautions.
              1. Training proficiency (assumes a training course can reliably predict how one will perform on the job). Adv: all employees attend same training course and have equal chance of performing well in course. Disadv: ppl may be motivated at beginning, but due to poor managing, no motivation won't do well at work (called peak motivation), and criteria measured in course might not reflect all criteria of actual job
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