Transportación vertical y horizontal


Mind Map on Transportación vertical y horizontal, created by eduardo rodriguez on 25/11/2017.
eduardo rodriguez
Mind Map by eduardo rodriguez, updated more than 1 year ago
eduardo rodriguez
Created by eduardo rodriguez almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Transportación vertical y horizontal
  1. Passenger elevators: Ideal performance of an elevator installation will provide: Minimum waiting time, comfortable acceleration, rapid transportation, smooth, rapid breaking, automatic level at landing and unloading at all stop
    1. The elevator also needs to provide: Quick and quiet doors operation, floor status, quite and safe operation of all mechanical equipment and reliable emergency and security equipment as also pleasant car atmosphere.
      1. Principal componentes: Car cables, counterweights, hoistway, rails, penthouse and pit.
        1. Control equipment division: Drive motion, Operation control and Supervisory control
          1. Equipment selection: The selection of the elevators requires severals factors as: Adequate elevator service, economic and the arquitectural integration of spaces.
            1. Design criterial: Internal and average waiting time, handling capacity, travel time
              1. Average lobby time: The average time spent between arriving to the lobby and leaving their car.
                1. Handling capacity: The maximum number of passenger that can be handled in certain period.
                  1. The average time between departure of cars on the lobby.
                    1. Registration time: Waiting time after car is registered
                      1. Round trip time: The average time require to make a round trip.
                        1. Travel time: The average time spent by passengers from the moment they arrive in the lobby to the moment they leave the car at the upper floor
                          1. Zone: Group of floors, considered as a unit with respect to elevator service.
                            1. Interval and average waiting time: A car would be waiting at the lower terminal on the riders arrival.
                              1. Handling capacity: Frequency or interval in which car appears at the main building lobby is one of the two factor that determine the passenger capacity of the elevator system.
                                1. The only factor that determine the handling capacity are passengers load and frequency of loading.
                                  1. Travel time: The sum of the lobby waiting time plus the travel time to a median floor stop.
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