Period 2: Colonizing the Eastern Seaboard


AP AP US History (Semester 1) Mind Map on Period 2: Colonizing the Eastern Seaboard, created by Kale Chu on 14/12/2017.
Kale Chu
Mind Map by Kale Chu, updated more than 1 year ago
Kale Chu
Created by Kale Chu almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Period 2: Colonizing the Eastern Seaboard
  1. Jamestown & the British
    1. God, Glory, Gold
      1. Prevent spread of Catholicism
        1. Las Casas
        2. overcrowding bc of Enclosure Mvmt.
          1. Power and Riches
            1. Defeat of Spanish Armada: England able to take over the seas
            2. VA Joint Stock Company
              1. Harsh Living Conditions
                1. Bad water, malaria
                  1. Indian Conflicts
                    1. Inhabitants rough people
                    2. SOCIETY
                      1. John Rolfe introduces Tobacco
                        1. male dominated
                          1. indentured servants
                        2. The Middle Colonies
                          1. Rhode Island
                            1. Roger Williams
                              1. Was banished from Mass. bc he denounced ultraconservative rules
                            2. New York
                              1. Dutch/ Dutch West India Co.
                                1. 1664: English rename it New York
                                  1. trade & shipping based economy
                                  2. Maryland
                                    1. Proprietary colony (est. by a person, not a company)
                                      1. Lord Baltimore (1631)
                                      2. Refuge for Catholics
                                        1. Democratic institutions
                                          1. bicameral legislature, governor
                                          2. act of toleration
                                          3. Pennsylvania
                                            1. Quakers
                                              1. Proprietary colony, by William Penn
                                                1. good relations with natives (bought land from them, didn't just take)
                                                  1. religious &ethnic diversity
                                                    1. religion= minor role in politics
                                                      1. religious freedom, civil liberties
                                                  2. Massachussetts
                                                    1. Mass. Bay Joint Stock Co.
                                                      1. Mayflower Compact
                                                        1. 1st notion of self-gov
                                                          1. est. written order
                                                          2. Puritans in search of religious freedom
                                                            1. larger families, older
                                                              1. equal gender #s= pop. growth
                                                                1. predestination
                                                                2. John Winthrop
                                                                  1. "city on a hill"
                                                                    1. AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM
                                                                    2. governor of mass.
                                                                    3. SOCIETY
                                                                      1. school &church= community centers
                                                                        1. strict societal conduct laws
                                                                          1. subsistence agriculture
                                                                        2. Africans in the Americas
                                                                          1. Slavery
                                                                            1. 1st slaves in Jamestown (1619 )
                                                                              1. replaced indentured servants
                                                                                1. had to pay them
                                                                                  1. could be freed after a certain # of years
                                                                                    1. BACONS REBELLION (1676): arned rebellion against VA governor, William Berkeley, over protections on the border from Indians. Resulted in preference toward slaves over indentured servantts
                                                                                    2. covert vs. overt defiance
                                                                                      1. fictive kinship, slave churches vs. Stono rebellion (1739), breaking equipment
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