Unit 22 50 word notes


Mind Map on Unit 22 50 word notes, created by Adele40 on 01/06/2013.
Mind Map by Adele40, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Adele40 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 22 50 word notes
  1. 1995 New Labour Tony Blair
    1. Patchwork Britain
      1. Weak Social Networks
        1. Changing role of women
          1. Divorce Increase
            1. Multicultural diversity
              1. Consumer Culture
                1. David Coates interview
                2. Central Control
                  1. NSF's, Healthcare Comissions
                  2. Devolved Control
                    1. Local NHS Decisions
                    2. Individual Control
                      1. Direct Payment, Expert Patient Scheme
                      2. Social Care
                        1. Cinderella Service, Financial Uncertainty
                        2. Aging Society
                          1. Rising Inequalities
                            1. Uniform services - Inappropriate
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