The development of the Cold War: The Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid


Mind Map on The development of the Cold War: The Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid, created by milliewernyj17 on 01/06/2013.
Mind Map by milliewernyj17, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by milliewernyj17 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The development of the Cold War: The Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid
  1. The Truman Doctrine (1947)
    1. Truman asked the US military to assess the strength of the USSR's army
      1. USSR in no position to wage a war
      2. He believed that Stalin had strategies to gain more territory and encourage more communist revolutions across Europe
        1. He also believed he had a better chance of succeeding due to the devastation from the second world war on countries such as: Italy, France, Greece, Turkey and the UK
        2. It stated that:
          1. 1. The world has a choice of communist tyranny or democratic freedom
            1. 2. America had the right to fight for liberty when it was ever threatened
              1. 3. The US would send troops and resources to countries who felt threatened with the thought of communism
                1. 4. The US has to stop communism expanding throughout the world and gaining territory
        3. The significance of the Truman Doctrine
          1. It was significant be it reversed the policy 'isolationism' which meant keeping America out of world affairs
            1. It divided the world by an ideology; capitalism and communism being the opposition
              1. There could be no co-operation between the east and west due to having completely different ideologies what rules countries should follow (private property or state property?)
                1. Leading up to the unofficial ending of the Grand alliance
                  1. marked the beginning of the cold war
              2. Set out the policy of containment, where by America would try in their best attempt to stop the spread of communism
              3. The Marshall Plan (1947)
                1. Truman described 'Containment' and the 'Marshal Plan' "two halves of the same walnut" as they both set out to destroy the thought of communism and America had a dual strategy to deal with it
                  1. spent 13 billion of American money to rebuild the shattered economies of Europe
                    1. Truman thought this was a good way of increasing prosperity in Europe, weakening the thought of communism
                    2. In order to qualify for the money, countries had to agree they would trade freely with the US (this also boosted the US economy so they werent just loosing lots of money and the country would get something out of it, not just people turning away from communism)
                    3. Initial reaction to the Marshall Plan
                      1. European leaders met at the Pari conference (1948) to discuss which countries wanted to accept Marshal Aid
                        1. people were willing to accept it, however representatives from the USSR walked out and claimed the US were splitting Europe into 'two camps'
                          1. They argued that Truman wanted to form more allies, so if face with the Soviets at battle, he would have more support
                        2. Stalin insisted eastern european countries (Stalin's sphere of influence) should refuse to accept any help from the US
                          1. 16 countries including Britain and France welcome Marshall Aid in hope of rebuilding their economies from WW2
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