Data lake (warehouse)


For more information check out the course HKPolyUx: ISE101x Knowledge Management and Big Data in Business on
Prohor Leykin
Mind Map by Prohor Leykin, updated more than 1 year ago
Prohor Leykin
Created by Prohor Leykin over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Data lake (warehouse)
  1. Data mining from Big Data (4V's)
    1. 4 V's
      1. Volume
        1. The simpliest
        2. Variety
          1. That is what really makes the data Big
          2. Velocity
            1. Delays significantly decrease the value of information
            2. Value
            3. Finding patterns, clusters, corelations, predicting variable
            4. ETL (Extract, transform and load)
              1. Hadoop (open source). Bring algorithm to a data MapReduce
                1. To load or not to load Data to a Lake?
                2. Streaming instead of batch update
                3. Data governance
                  1. Or just liabilities?
                    1. Data lake ->
                      1. Lake may leak
                        1. Data swamp ->
                          1. Toxic swamp
                    2. Information assets
                      1. All kinds of  information collected by an organization
                        1. Structural
                          1. Unstructural
                            1. Semi structural information
                          2. Business objectives
                            1. Know your customer (KYC)
                            2. OLAP (olnine analysis processing)
                              1. OLTP (online transaction processing)
                                1. Collect and process the data at the moment of  it's creation
                                  1. OLA (online action) due to user's activity, patterns, clusters, value prediction
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