roman public health_1


GCSE History - medicine Mind Map on roman public health_1, created by jadeanaisfrancis on 02/06/2013.
Mind Map by jadeanaisfrancis, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jadeanaisfrancis almost 11 years ago
Copied by jadeanaisfrancis almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

roman public health_1
  1. first system
    1. personal health & hygiene
      1. "healthy mind, a healthy body" - juvenal coined
        1. celsus coppies hippocrates' programme of health
          1. Galen prescribed gym exercises & deep breathing
            1. army camps - in healthy places
              1. marshes drained - reduced malaria
                1. aqueducts
                  1. 9 in rome
                    1. 222 million gallons a day
                      1. commisioners monitered cleanliness & fair supply
                        1. private houses had cisterns and pipes
                        2. baths
                          1. 9 in rome
                            1. luxurious
                              1. surrounded by mirros
                                1. fee
                                  1. went from hot, luke warm to cold
                                    1. aediles monitored cleanliness & behaviour
                                    2. sewers
                                      1. flushed by stream & pipes
                                        1. 300 slaves cleaned the streets at night
                                        2. no army camps in codetan
                                          1. hospitals
                                            1. first real hospitals to look after soldiers
                                              1. valetudinaria - free for former soldiers
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